In her latest Instagram photo, the actress has a fluffy pillow belted around her waist. Halle strikes a high-fashion pose with full accessoriesheels, sunglasses, and a floppy hatto complement her garden backdrop.
Naturally, Halle looks super fit. She popped her toned booty, so it's visible beyond the pillow minidress, and her strong legs are on full display. Halle added in the caption: "You already KNOW you couldnt keep me from the #PillowChallenge "
Halle credits martial arts and a rigorous working routine (including, yes, tire workouts) for that toned physique. She and her trainer, Peter Lee Thomas , still focus on making her workouts fun, though. Halle's also a devoted follower of the keto diet, which she says helps keep her diabetes in check.
Halle is an early celeb entrant in the pillow challenge, and clearly, she's set the bar very high. Who's next?!